The Daily Mail Game, set and thatch! Tennis star Rafa Nadal undergoes a Wayne Rooney-style hair transplant to restore his thinning locks reported that world-class tennis star, Rafa Nadal, recently underwent a Folliculat Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure at a hair transplant clinic in Madrid, Spain.
Nadal’s decision sheds light on a growing trend of men turning to modern medical technology for hair restoration. Nadal, who is now 30 years old, is like many American men, 35 million of whom are currently enduring some level of hair loss and/or baldness. In fact, two-thirds of men in the U.S. alone will experience some degree of hair loss by age thirty-five, and 85% of men report significant thinning by age 50. Most concerning to many is that half of a man’s hair on his head is gone once it becomes cosmetically visible. This is why selecting a hair replacement option, like the fue hair transplant, in a timely and appropriate manner for those interested is so important. But before considering hair transplant surgery or seeking out a hair loss specialist for a fue hair transplant, be aware of these three things.
- It Takes More Time and Resources
- Its Success Depends on Other Healthy Follicles
- It’s Endorsed By Big-Time Customers
A fue hair transplant typically takes about 8 hours to perform and may require longer recovery versus traditional treatment options. Additionally, this type of hair restoration can cost much more, as evidenced by its popularity among celebrity clients like Nadal. Nadal’s procedure is estimated to have cost approximately $9,500 USD. Still, though more timely and expensive, the fue hair transplant technique does not leave scars, while traditional methods most often do.
During this lengthy procedure, a physician removes individual follicular units directly from the scalp using a tiny punch, which typically ranges from .7 to 1 millimenter in size. The follicles are then grafted one-by-one into the bald areas of the head. Doctors closely monitor this area during and after recovery to determine the success of the surgery.
Nadal isn’t the only celebrity flocking to the fue hair transplant option. Irish actor James Nesbitt underwent two fue hair transplants and was very pleased with his results, which he shared in a voluntary testimonial. He described the procedures as life changing, as losing his hair had become an overwhelming concern for him.
Hair loss is a problem that affects millions of men across the globe. Still, treatment options, like fue hair transplants, do exist and offer relief for sufferers.