These are times that retesting the nation. From the brand picture of the test the nation’s health and economy are being tested to the more personal ways that individual citizen’s lifestyle are challenged, there are many who agree that these are unprecedented months. And in a nation like America where the health and fitness of any entire generation was already at risk because of sedentary lifestyles, it should come as no surprise that there are many doctors and fitness trainers who are looking for ways to make sure that people are not just sitting on a couch waiting for the pandemic to slow.
It is a given fact that Covid 19 has limited the ways Americans work, socialize, work out, and vacation. The limitations caused by the pandemic, however, do not mean that you cannot return to regular levels of fitness. And while you may not be able to as easily attend a local fitness center without reservations and extensive cleaning protocols, you can get outside in the fresh air, take a walk or a run, and remain as active as possible.
Physical Assessment Software and Range of Motion Testing Solutions Help Many Americans Keep Moving
From the automatic strength tests that many therapists, chiropractors, and fitness coaches use to the physical assessment software and muscle testing machines that are being employed by the most experienced staffs, it is possible to make sure that you will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Even in the most challenging situations.
Each foot on the human body is made up of 28 bones, 30 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. And the human body has more than 650 muscles. The threat of injury or pain from any of these moving parts should be the only threat of keeping Americans moving during these months of self isolation or limiting exposure. Fortunately, if you are experiencing any kind of physical limitations, especially back pain, there are many ways to KEEP MOVING during these challenging ties:
- Kids and adults alike can Falk victim to a sedentary lifestyle. And even though doctors and fitness experts warn of the chronic health dangers to not moving enough, the lates research continues to show that fewer than one in three Americans get the recommended amount of physical activity.
- Even though you have suffered an injury or an accident, there are still ways to make sure that you are remaining as mobile as possible. In fact, with the latest screening provided by physical assessment software many physical therapists and chiropractors are able to prescribe a fitness regimen that will help many people return to normal activity levels.
- Estimates indicate that there are approximately 200,000 physical therapists employed in the U.S. with an additional 60,000 projected to be added to the workforce in coming years. Everyone of these doctors is focused on helping their clients overcome as many limitations as possible.
- Parents set the most influential examples when it comes to activity levels. A parent who does not make it a habit to get 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity in three to four times a week is going to be less likely to encourage their children to do the same.
- Making weekend family time plans that include outdoor hikes or bike rides are some of the best ways that parents can model a healthy and active lifestyle.
- One of the benefits of physical assessment software is that the tests can be designed specially for you. And once the results are received, the exercises that you need to return to normal activity levels can be personalized as well.
- Vacation choices are another way that families can plan for more physical activity. Finding a place to explore the great outdoors allows you to travel safely while still getting the activity levels you and your children require.
- Instead of spending another night inside binge watching a new televisions series, it is a better idea to plan an outdoor game of catch, obstacle courses, or other kinds of activities.
- No one wants to face chronic health problems as they age.
- Getting a plan to stay active will help you live a healthier and longer life.