Alcohol abuse and addiction is one of the most common and most overlooked types of addiction. The problem with alcohol addiction is that some usage is normal. We grow up understanding that alcohol is synonymous with celebration. We celebrate our birthday with multiple drinks. We also learn that it is effective in reducing stress and anxiety. We meet friends and coworkers for a drink after a hard work week. It can be both difficult and almost impossible to identify a drinking problem in a friend or even, in yourself. How do you know then, when your occasional drinking has become a problem?
Number of drinks
Alcohol affects the body in a unique way. It produces an effect that many desire. We lose our inhibitions and feel better about our lives. The problem, however, is that the body also quickly develops a tolerance, and eventually, it takes more and more alcohol to produce these same positive effects. If you notice that it takes more and more drinks to feel an affect from alcohol, it is likely that your body has built up a strong tolerance. Even if you are not feeling the same effects of the alcohol, your body is still being affected by the contents.
An estimated 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Your body can only handle so much alcohol until it shuts down completely. It is possible that it is affecting your body in a harmful way, even if you have developed a strong tolerance to the effects of the alcohol contents.
Identification of withdrawal symptoms
The withdrawal from any substance is difficult. Drugs and alcohol change the way your body works, and when you stop using, your body has to adjust to the changes. When you go through alcohol drug treatment, you usually struggle more when it comes to alcohol addiction treatment. Although drug treatment of alcohol is important, it needs to be completed in a monitored environment. If you notice minor withdrawal symptoms after a long binge of drinking, it is possible that your body has developed an addiction.
The ibogaine detox drug treatment process can be especially helpful in treating alcohol addiction. Only about 10 to 20% of alcoholics have alcohol withdrawal that is severe enough to require monitoring and medication. These are usually people who have been dependent upon alcohol for many years, with much of their days filled with consuming alcohol. Either way, an ibogaine addiction treatment facility can be very helpful in the alcohol withdrawal process.
Length of regular drinking
The longer you drink regular consumption amounts of alcohol, the more likely you are to develop an addiction. In fact, people who begin consuming alcohol at an earlier age tend to have a harder time quitting. This is because the alcohol becomes an important coping process in your life. You may have never learned how to effectively cope with strong emotions and life?s stresses without the use of alcohol. If you have a long history of drinking, or have relatives who struggle with alcohol addiction, you may be more prone to substance abuse.
Need for a drink
Many use alcohol as a stress reliever or a way to celebrate. There is nothing wrong with minimal consumption in moderation. However, if you find that you require alcohol to have a good time or to deal with stress, there may be a problem present. If you find it difficult to abstain from alcohol use during these times, you may want to consider a drug treatment program to further explore your addiction possibilities.
Alcohol addiction is a problem in our country. In fact, as of 2014, there were more than 130 million Americans who consumed alcohol on a regular basis. This number has only grown since then, as had the number of individuals suffering from alcohol addiction, estimated to be around 18 million people. Know the warning signs of addiction and know how to act and receive treatment if you are prone to alcohol addiction.