It’s normal for both men and women to shed an average of 50 to 100 hairs on a daily basis. When more hairs are shed, however, it may be an indication of thinning hair or that the balding process has begun. In the United States, roughly 35 million men and 21 million women experience significant hair loss. While thinning hair may lead to baldness over time, there are several options available to address this situation.
Time Frames and Hair Loss
The Norwood Scale outlines minimal to advanced forms of hair loss on a scale from Type I to Type VII. When most people experience active hair loss, it usually takes place over about ten to 20 years. When men are 35 years of age, roughly 66% of them will have noticed they have visible hair loss. Once men are 50 years of age, 85% will realize that their hair has thinned significantly.
Factors That Contribute to Hair Loss
Whether or not someone becomes completely bald will depend on a variety of factors. In addition to genetic causes, common male pattern baldness and environmental factors can all contribute to hair loss. A recent survey found that 82% of adults know that their genetic makeup is responsible for their hair loss. It’s been determined that more than 95% of men’s hair loss is due to common male pattern baldness. Environmental factors are also known to contribute to thinning hair and/or balding.
The Hair Restoration Experience and Follicular Unit Extraction
Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is one of the common methods to obtain groups of hair for transplanting. These groups of hairs, or follicular units, usually consist of one to four hairs. In some instances, these naturally occurring groups may contain up to seven or eight hairs. During the FUE procedure, a tiny punch, which is .7 to one millimeter, is used to extract each follicular unit.
Learn More About State-of-the-Art Technologies
When you schedule a consultation with a hair restoration doctor, you will be able to learn more about the hair restoration experience. At this time, your doctor will be able to assess your situation and determine the best course of action. Once you have learned more about your options, you will be able discuss the procedure in detail.