If you have an elderly loved one, the hope is always that he or she will be able to take care of himself or herself until the end. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, elderly people become ill, and they are no longer able to function on their own. In this case, assisted living is often a solution.
If you are interested in finding options as far as senior living goes, you might want to look into a center for assisted living or elder care living facility in your area. You might want to specifically look into family-owned assisted living to see what they have to offer in terms of community senior life. Generally, you will want to look at all of your options, so that you can make sure that your loved one is put into the best hands possible. If you are no longer able to take care of him or her or are not able to do so when he or she can no longer live independently, you want to make sure that you take this individual to the best assisted living facility that you can find, so that he or she can enjoy the golden years in the best way possible.
What is assisted living? Assisted living, also known as nursing homes, elderly care, retirement homes, and senior living facilities, provide assisted living solutions for elderly individuals who have difficulty living on their own. These facilities typically have a wide array of activities to keep patients active, and give the patients the opportunity to socialize with other patients living in the community. Quite often, patients have the opportunity to participate in therapy, art classes, and clubs to keep them occupied.According to PBS, it is estimated that there are 17,000 nursing homes in the United States. The PBS report also claims that 90% of nursing home residents in the U.S. are over the age of 65. The popularity of these assisted living facilities have allowed for the large “baby boomer” generation to fuel a juggernaut of an industry involving elderly care services.
Many of these individuals may be completely healthy, but suffer from memory loss complications. In addition to the traditional recreational activities that these senior care services offer, they also offer memory care activities. These activities go beyond the traditional birthday parties and bingo events, they actually encourage residents to do the same things they loved doing before arriving at the facility. These memory care activities include gardening, painting, dancing, and even general household choirs like doing the dishes. These activities allow for the patient to have a gently structured day, providing the familiarity that is important for individuals who suffer from memory complications and are in need of routine.
Many of these assisted living communities are actually quite beautiful. Featuring luxurious furnishings and living spaces. They are typically located in a location with a pleasant setting, and offer many amenities to their residents. If you are worried about the cost of these facilities, in many situations, financial aid is available to assist with the cost of assisted living stays. Get more on this here.