You have been searching for physical therapy recommendations in an effort to find someone who has an emphasis on pool therapy. You have found a couple of options, but they are located far from your home. The fact that you have to depend on someone else to drive means that you really do need to find a convenient location. Although you have not yet had your knee surgery, you would to find someone now who you could work with you both before and after the procedure.
As more and more patients find themselves looking for physical therapy and deep tissue massage, it should come as no surprise that there are a growing number of people who are offering these services. From young adult athletes who are trying to recover from an injury as fast as possible to older adults who are looking for ways to protect themselves in case of a fall, there are many treatments that are available. For instance, a fall which leads to a hip replacement can end up costing as much as $36,000. Working with a physical therapist ahead of time, however, can include lessons in how to safely fall. And at the price of $7,000 this is a better investment than having to pay for an entire hip.
Finding the Right Massage Therapist Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Whether you are looking for physical therapy assistance or you are looking for a therapeutic massage person to help you look and feel your best, you will likely have many choices. From sports and deep tissue massage to the latest skin care procedures, there are many resources available. In fact, professional skin care procedures can help you look better than you ever have. And with the right kind of massage you can feel as good as you look.
Consider some of these facts and figures about many services that professional offer and the impact that these services have on the nation’s economy:
- An average of 15% of American adults received at least one massage between July 2013 and July 2014, according to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) 2014 consumer survey. Using massage therapy can help many people find the pain relief that they want.
- 23% of massage consumers indicate that they have had a massage for relaxation or stress reduction between July 2013 and July 2014.
- Depending on the type of massage and how much time the client has, a massage session may last from 15 to 90 minutes.
- 92% of people agree that massage can be effective in pain reduction.
- More massage therapy referrals come from chiropractic offices than other sources. In fact, 13% of respondents report receiving referrals at least once a week. Another 24% indicate that they receive referrals several times a month.
- More than 54 million American adults indicate that they have discussed massage therapy with their doctors or health care providers in the previous year.
Finding the right place to get the services that you need is an important part of staying healthy and looking your best. From finding the best deep tissue massage therapist to locating the right skin care specialist, if you find the right resources you can make sure that you are getting the results that you want.