From TB testing to wound repair to antibiotics, the typical person living in the United States will have a number of varying needs over the course of their life. However, the options for medical care can sometimes seem very limiting. Scheduling an appointment with a general care practitioner can be difficult to fit in your busy life, especially if you find it difficult to take even a short amount of time off of work And going to the emergency room, which people often view as the only other alternative, can eat up hours out of your day and is often exorbitantly expensive to boot.
Fortunately, urgent care locations throughout the country have provided a viable alternative for the vast majority of your medical needs, from TB testing to STD testing to treatment for the flu or the common cold. And urgent care centers are more ideal than other types of medical care for a number of varied reasons.
For one, urgent care centers and urgent care locations the country over are open far more frequently than your typical doctor’s office will be. In fact, up to eighty five percent of urgent care locations are even open on weekends, meaning that they will be open for business all seven days of the week. And on top of this, many urgent care clinics are also open both earlier in the morning and later into the evening than the average doctor’s office will be, meaning that you will likely not need to take any time off of work just to get the medical assessment and medical treatment that you need. After all, medical help shouldn’t have to come at the cost of putting your job performance at risk.
And urgent care locations can often provide a much wider variety of medical treatments than the average person even realizes. In fact, urgent care centers, which now employ up to twenty thousand very qualified doctors, can meet just about any of your medical needs. After all, studies have found that up to sixty five percent of all cases seen in emergency rooms throughout the United States could have easily been seen in a walk in clinic or urgent care location instead.
Many types of testing are offered in urgent care centers all throughout the country. TB testing is one such thing, but aside from TB testing, STD testing is also often offered. Testing for regular strains of illnesses like the flu and strep throat and even urinary tract infections can also be conducted, though cases that require these are far more likely to be seen than the need for TB testing, though sometimes TB testing is needed for a school physical or as a routine part of the onboarding process for certain jobs. Either way, TB testing can typically be handled at your local urgent care location.
Of course, injuries can also be dealt with when you go to urgent care. Sports injuries are commonly seen in such locations, for example, and can range from the very mild to the considerably more serious in nature. Urgent care centers can often even perform fracture care as well – at least in up to eighty percent of them, that is (four urgent care centers out of every five, an impressive number of them by any means).
More minor injuries can also of course be treated, not just the fractures. For instance, sprained ankles are incredibly common here in the United States, with up to twenty five thousand of them occurring each and every day that passes. Sprained ankles can be relatively serious and certainly from from pain free when they are not given the proper treatment, and so it is important to see a doctor, such as a doctor in your local urgent care center location, as quickly as you possibly can – preferably within the same day, if this is at all feasible.
Seeing more than three million patients each and every week, urgent care locations all around the country are growing at an unprecedented rate. After all, the public need for urgent care centers and medical walk in clinics has skyrocketed, and urgent care centers provide accessible healthcare that’s not always otherwise available elsewhere.