From IV infusion pumps to syringe pumps, IV’s are widely used in the United States to provide essential fluids to medical patients in need. IV infusion pumps present a safe and efficient way of administering these often life saving fluids and provide a way to give IV fluids with as little margin for error as possible.
There are many reasons that someone may develop the need for IV infusion pumps, even just on a short term basis. For instance, dehydration is one of the major causes of needing an IV infusion pump but can typically be solved in just a few hours, if not even less time than that. Dehydration is caused by a number of conditions, such as heat stroke, vomiting, or even pregnancy (as morning sickness can become severe and prevent even the intake of fluids). Age is another factor for dehydration and the elderly population in the United States is consistently growing, with more than ten thousand people turning sixty five – what is widely considered the average age of retirement in the United States – every single day in the United States alone, let alone the rest of the world. IV fluids can also become necessary for a variety of other medical reasons, such as the threat of dehydration if not actual dehydration itself. In fact, IV fluids are often administered through IV infusion pumps just as part of protocol in order to keep the patient as healthy and as comfortable as possible. For instance, pregnant women admitted while in labor often do not necessarily urgently need IV fluids. However, the presence of IV fluids is beneficial as it takes some of the worry of the care of the pregnant woman off of the nurses and doctors. Pregnant women in labor are often not allowed to eat or drink while in labor as well, in case of the need for an emergency C section, the need for which can often not be predicted in the beginning stages of labor.
IV infusion pumps have become one of the most effective ways to administer IV fluids, and more and more hospitals and medical facilities are switching to IV infusion pumps and away from manual pumps. An infusion pump is much more intuitive and allows doctors and nurses to be able to step back from monitoring non emergent patients so consistently, allowing them the time to rest. Though IV infusion pumps have been in use for more than fifty years – since the 1950’s – they have only (relatively) recently become the most popular method of IV infusion. In fact, many people don’t even know that there is more than one type of IV infusion pump. There are actually two that are commonly used in the medical profession and each is used for a different purpose. Large IV infusion pumps are typically used to administer nutrient solutions while small IV infusion pumps are geared more towards the administration of the necessary medications that a patient might require. The vast majority of IV fluid that is administered in hospitals and other medical centers (for example, many urgent care locations have the capabilities and supplies to set up an IV for dehydrated patients) simply administer a saline solution in most IVs.
There are many reasons that a patient might be in need of an IV, and it is crucial that they get one as soon as possible. IV fluids are hugely beneficial in particular to any dehydrated patient, but can be used as a preventative measure as well. When it comes to administering IV fluids, the majority of hospitals and medical centers have switching to IV infusion pumps to administer everything from nutrient infusions to the necessary medication.