Urgent care centers offer convenient health care choices for people on the go, usually in their own neighborhood. For simple illnesses and inquires like flu, stomach aches, fractures, bumps and bruises, there is no longer any need to go to the emergency room and wait for hours for treatment. Walk-in medical clinics can treat these and more without appointments and without long wait times. This makes them a good choice for families and busy working people.
What is walk in urgent care?
Urgent care clinics are a relatively new form of healthcare, which provide treatment for most basic illnesses and injuries without needing an appointment. This convenient model of healthcare has quickly become very popular, and according to the Urgent Care Association of America, around 3 million people visit urgent care centers each week. The centers treat common illnesses like flu, coughs, colds and stomach ache as well as injuries like fractures, bruises, sports injuries etc.
At walk in urgent care centers, there is no need to make an appointment, and most centers have extended hours. This makes is easier to stop by before and after work. The great majority of walk in clinics, about 85% of them, are open seven days a week, making it easier to get medical care and treatment for families and kids. There’s no need for the kids to skip school or to try and fit in a doctors visit in a busy school week.
What do urgent care centers treat?
Urgent care centers provide timely medical care for illnesses and injuries like flu, coughs and colds, rashes, sprains, fractures, etc. These are some of the most common ailments. Around 25,000 people in the U.S. suffer ankle sprains every day. And all together, Americans have around a billion colds each year. At walk-in clinics, you don’t need to make an appointment to get treatment for these conditions.
In fact, upper respiratory condition was the most common diagnosis at urgent care centers, and the most common medical procedure was wound repair as of 2012. Sunburn, poison ivy rash, and food poisoning are other typical problems for which people seek treatment at walk in medical clinics.
Why choose urgent care?
Walk in urgent care clinics provide convenient medical treatment without having to wait for weeks for a doctors appointment. They’re also a better choice than the emergency room for simple illnesses and injuries. Emergency rooms are stressful places with overworked staff, and typically they have long wait times.
Urgent care clinics have convenient locations, often in your own neighborhood. They accept most insurance plans, and many offer online appointments for convenience.
Because of their convenience, the number of urgent care clinics is growing around the country. They provide quality healthcare in an accessible setting, making this a good choice for families and busy working people.