Why can’t you sleep at night? Is it stress that causes you to sit up wide awake for hours on end? Perhaps it’s snoring that interrupts your REM cycle every other hour and leaves you feeling groggy instead of well-rested. At the very least, you know this isn’t normal. You should be able to achieve an average of eight hours of sleep per night to give your body the necessary peace it needs to rest, recoup and recover after a hard day. When insomnia or sleep apnea causes you to miss out on these vital sessions, the different types of CPAP maks on the market can help guide you right back to dreamland.
If you’ve been having trouble sleeping consistently for more than four weeks, it’s imperative you see a sleep professional as soon as possible before a sleeping disorder cements itself in your life. You can, however, learn more about your symptoms so you have the tools necessary to help your future therapist help you. Insomnia, sleep apnea, snoring, chronic pain and unchecked anxiety are the most common contributors to a lack of sleep in America. What could yours be?
As it turns out, sleep apnea is prevalent in as many as 18 million Americans. This disorder is defined by ‘apneas’, or interruptions, that prevent healthy sleeping patterns. Another 2% to 4% of these sufferers will go years undiagnosed — for another perspective, that’s about one in every 50 people. That leaves time for the sleeping disorder to affect their lives in a number of ways. They don’t enjoy hobbies like they used to, have a harder time concentrating at work and even find their health deteriorating before their eyes.
A few quick facts about the health risks that come with a lack of sleep. Studies have shown sleep apnea sufferers are three times as likely to develop heart disease as those without the disorder. They also are four times more likely to have stroke at an earlier age. Rather than wait and hope for the sleeping disorder to vanish on its own, visiting a sleep therapist and getting a professional diagnosis will put you on the fast track to a good recovery.
Do you have asthma? How about chronic anxiety disorder? These are contributors to sleeping disorders by a significant margin and could very well be a major part in why you can’t get good shut-eye like you used to. A recent study saw asthma patients facing an almost 40% greater risk for sleep apnea than those without. Sleep apnea is also twice as common in men as it is women. Now that you know more about sleeping disorders, it’s time to brush up on continuous positive airway pressure.
Don’t worry. You won’t have to type all that out when looking for assistance. Shortened to CPAP, these devices are incredibly handy in helping millions of people sleep better at night. They open up your airways and help you breath easier, discouraging snoring and apneas that could see you jerking into wakefulness dozens of times in a single night. There are many types of CPAP masks to suit all degrees of sleep apnea. But what types of CPAP masks?
There is a CPAP mask pillow, a CPAP mask nasal and a CPAP full face mask, among others. For the best possible results (as well as continued insurance coverage), patients are recommended they use their CPAP at least 70% of the time over a 30-day period. You should also translate this to four hours every night. The best types of CPAP masks won’t do much if you don’t use them on a regular enough basis to stave off your disorder. Studies show half of people prescribed a CPAP full face mask stop using it within three weeks.
Feeling a little better about your chances? Check with a sleep doctor and see how the types of CPAP masks could help you finally get the rest you need this week.