It has always been the hormones.
Getting pregnant with your first child was quite the process. As you and your husband worked your way through infertility solutions, the process seemed never ending. With every attempt taking at least a month to evaluate, in fact, the process seemed beyond frustrating, it seemed impossible. Finally, a tubal ovum transfer worked and after nearly three years of seeing doctors and receiving treatments, you were finally pregnant.
The fact that you were older first time parents than you would have ever imagined, however, actually made the being parents even more enjoyable than you ever imagined. After having worked full time and what felt like non-stop to keep your mind off the pregnancy issues, you were ready to take a break form your career, something you likely never would have done as a younger parent. Almost four years after your first daughter was born, you found yourself pregnant again, this time with no fertility treatments. It was as if your hormones had finally figured things out. You treasured the fact that your children were never in daycare and are grateful for the time you have been able to spend with them.
Now, as you enter your mid-fifties, it appears that again your hormones are having a tough time figuring out what their purpose is. As you search for menopause solutions, hormone replacement therapy seems to be the best option.
Womens Health Issues Often Respond to Hormone Replacement Therapy
For all of the scientific advancements and increases in life expectancy, one thing that has changes very little for several centuries is the onset of menopause. Menopause is specifically labeled at its beginning when a woman goes 12 months without experiencing her period. From that time on, women are referred to as being post menopausal. The mean age for this condition is 51. And although some women are in their 30s, and others in their 60s, indicate that is when they reach menopause, for the fast majority this hormonal change occurs between the ages of 40 and 58. In fact, the average age of the beginning of menopause has not changed for several centuries, despite women’s increasing life expectancy.
Hormones are what control both the ability to get pregnant and the onset of menopause. And while it is a natural progression of the agin process, for some women it can be anything but fun. In fact, an increasing number of women seek hormone replacement therapy to help them deal with the the abrupt changes their bodies may be experiencing.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Helps Women More Gradually Transition to the Next Stage of Life
You do not have to spend much time with women in the age range of 48 to 58 to hear about the effects that changing hormones can have on them:
- Uncomfortable and extreme hot flashes, often at night causing lack of sleep and restlessness.
- Large swings in emotions and moods, especially occurring during times of stress.
- Bloating and weight gain. Just as menstruation can cause discomfort and weight gain, so too can menopause.
- Pain during intercourse, often caused by vaginal dryness. Combined with a decreased libido, this can be a major change for many women which is caused by a decrease in estrogen
- Frequent and persistent urination, often to the point of incontinence caused by the ethra losing its elasticity and pelvic muscles weakening.
- Changes to skin, hair and other tissues. The loss of fatty tissues and collagen causes thinning hair and drier skin.
While some women will not experience any of these symptoms, other women are reminded on a daily basis of the major changes that are going on within their body. As a result, women’s health experts often recommend that consulting a doctor about decreasing the effects of these changes. Hormonal replacements, that can be administered for as long as five years, often make these changes more gradual and the symptoms more bearable.
Whether you are a female who is just realizing that you are having difficulty getting pregnant or you are a woman who is nearing the end of her child bearing years, seeking medical advice can provide many solutions. As scientific and medical advancements continue, knowledge of hormones and how they work can help women achieve their reproductive goals and then, later, adjust to major changes during their 50s.