The neck and the spine are, literally, the backbone of the human body; these parts serve as a hub for neurological communication and many other essential human functions. Individuals who have neck and spine issues and thusly require neurosurgical operations are burdened with a heavy load of medical expenses, pain management treatments, and rehabilitation. However, these operations can completely change the outlook of a patient suffering from a neurological condition. Here are some important facts about the issues that require neurological operations.
Trigeminal neuralgia. This disease is associated with chronic pain in the trigeminal nerve, the nerve that carries touch, taste, and other sensations from the face to the brain. Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia will help patients to not feel crippling nerve pain at even the most gentle touches, such as brushing your teeth. Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia will begin with magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound therapy, then follows with medications and possible surgery. Treatment for trigeminal neuralgia is not a one time visit and will require ongoing visits.
Bulging discs. Bulging discs are a more common neurological condition that can cause pain and loss of mobility, depending on the nerve or part of the spinal cord that is being agitated by the protruding disc. This problem is caused by the weakening of the bone matter in the discs as humans age, and can occur in any three of the spinal regions that have discs: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. However, most occurrences are found in the lumbar (lower) back–in fact, 90% of them occur in this region. About a tenth of bulging disc cases require surgery to lessen pain and loss in mobility in a patient.
Degenerative dis disease. Degenerative disc disease, or DDD, is when the spinal discs between the vertebrae cause pain as they break down over time. Most people experience this wear and tear of the spinal discs without any pain, but DDD comes with discomfort and agitation as the discs crack or dry out. Neurosurgical operations may be resorted to when physical therapy and medications provide little relief. A surgery to soothe the effects of DDD would include removing the injured portion of the spinal disc, replacing it with an artificial one, or removing the whole disc and fusing the vertebrae together. Anywhere from 30% to 50% of adults can expect some degree of DDD, but it can commonly be soothed with medication and physical therapy.
Scoliosis. Scoliosis is a common condition in which the spine curves sideways. This disease, often noticed in childhood, can become severe and disabling as a child progresses into adulthood. The cases that are severe enough to cause discomfort and medical attention can be monitored through frequent X-rays and a back brace. However, surgery is the best option for the most severe patients. In scoliosis surgical operations, the curving vertebrae are realigned and refused into as straight of a line as possible, depending on the flexibility of the patient’s spine.
These conditions can be time consuming, expensive, and painful. That is why the most important thing for a spinal patient to do is identify the right time to improve their health and quality of life through corrective neurosurgical operations.