Dental Care Done Right

Most Americans care deeply about the health of their teeth, and a full mouth of healthy and attractive teeth is something many Americans want. Healthy teeth make for a good smile and they won’t often suffer painful or expensive dental problems. Better yet, all sorts of dental products and daily upkeep can maintain good dental health, such as whitening toothpaste without fluoride found at many grocery stores. But it doesn’t end with whitening toothpaste without fluoride; a person may also get their hands on regular whitening toothpaste, herbal supplements (with their doctor’s guidance), organic supplements, tooth gels, and more. Using whitening toothpaste without fluoride and others can be done to keep teeth in fine shape and minimize the chances of major tooth infections and related issues. If a person does suffer from tooth trauma, they may visit the dentist to undergo surgery.

Everyday Tooth Care

Adults and children alike are encouraged to take a number of steps to keep their teeth in fine health, and if done right, good dental care may mean only needing routine exams at the dentist’s office. To start with, kids and adults alike should be diligent about brushing their teeth after meals, and good toothpaste such as whitening toothpaste without fluoride and others will remove plaque, bacteria, and sugars that the bacteria feed upon. This helps prevent plaque from building up into tartar, a tough and colored material that harms dental health and generally looks unattractive. Bacteria on the teeth are always producing plaque, but regular brushing can easily remove it and prevent tartar formation. Care should be taken to scrub all surfaces of all teeth, and the tongue, too. Flossing removes food bits found deep between the teeth, and using mouthwash afterwards clears out any remaining debris and also freshens the breath.

What else can be done? Americans are urged to refrain from biting on hard items such as ice cubes in order to avoid cracking tooth enamel, and mouth guards should be used when playing sports or other physical activities. This minimizes the chances of a tooth being chipped or knocked loose, which is painful and may require expensive surgery to correct. American adults are also urged to avoid using tobacco, since at the very least, tobacco products will stain the teeth and may cause mouth or throat cancer. Chewing tobacco is known to wear out the gums fast and even cause teeth to fall right out. By law, tobacco products have warning labels about their health hazards, and Americans may do well to heed them.

At the Dentist

When someone visits their dentist or takes their child to a pediatric dentist, those dentists may offer suggestions on how to revise and enhance their patients’ daily tooth care, especially if asked. Dentists may recommend certain brands of tooth brushes or toothpaste and other products, for example. What is more, many dentists may offer cosmetic tooth care, which may enhance the appearance of the teeth. If teeth are fairly healthy but are discolored or crooked, they may harm a person’s smile. To fix this, a dental patient may ask for tooth whitening services or get recommendations on brands of whitening toothpaste without fluoride. They may also get clear plastic retainers made for their teeth, and these clear, discreet retainers may realign the teeth and prevent crooked growth or formations.

Cosmetic dental care extends to tooth replacement as well. If a tooth is entirely missing, a patient may have a dental bridge fitted in; that is, a replica tooth positioned in the gap and held in place with covers that fit over the real teeth flanking the gap. This may restore a person’s smile and enhance speech and eating. Crowns, meanwhile, may be fitted over teeth that are in danger of suffering cracks or falling apart due to distress or trauma. Finally, many elderly Americans opt for dentures, which are false teeth and gums that may replace entire rows of teeth or all of them at once. Dentures are molded after any real teeth that the patient may still have, and they can be put into the mouth and taken back out at will. Elderly Americans may often wear their dentures during the day and have them removed to sleep at night.

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