The human body is designed for exercise, and this is a holdover from our primitive ancestors’ lifestyle of chasing wild game across the plains of Africa. Today, no one needs to run to eat, but all the same, the human body “remembers” that lifestyle, and the human body will reward exercise and punish sedentary behavior in all sorts of ways. Good exercise is important for adults and children alike, and exercise can build muscle, burn body fat, and develop motor skills. Kids in particular need to get enough exercise per day, not only to build muscle but even help their mental growth. Studies show that exercise is very important for the growth of a child’s brain and mental faculties. Today, parents can find indoor playgrounds and outdoor playgrounds alike so that their kids can have fun and burn some calories, and these commercial indoor playgrounds can be found everywhere. Kids can also sign up to join sports teams and take martial arts classes, too.
Kids and Exercise
Public health is a major concern, and this includes tracking health statistics for Americans under 18 years of age. Do kid today get enough exercise? Not always, unfortunately, but then again, there are plenty of options for any child who wants to start exercising more. As it is now, around one in three American children meet the Sports and Fitness Industry Association’s guidelines for an active lifestyle. What are those guidelines? About 25 minutes of high calorie burning exercise three times per week will satisfy this quota, but some children don’t even get that much. Why not? Many children today, in the 2010s, are spending hours each day using electronic screens such as TVs, PCs, and handheld game consoles. Children spending time this way are not getting exercise, and that can contribute to the rising rate of childhood obesity. Close to 18.5% of American children today are obese, nearly one in five.
The good news is that any family can take opportunities to get more exercise, and this can be great fun. Exercise can help a child burn calories and develop muscles, and playtime such as using indoor playgrounds or joining sports teams can be highly enjoyable for them. In fact, many parents sign up their kids in sports teams, so that kids can learn good sportsmanship and teamwork. Soccer is a popular sport for this, and many parents also enroll their children in karate or judo classes. Outdoor parks are a great way to get fresh air and sunshine, and parents can sit on benches to monitor the kids. But what about a kids indoor play structure, or a commercial indoor jungle gym? These indoor playgrounds can be found everywhere.
Indoor Playgrounds and Where to Find Them
Parents may soon realize that these indoor playgrounds are found in places where the parents may spend a few hours on their own activities. A good example is a shopping mall, and many indoor malls today have a kid’s play area separated from foot traffic with low walls. This play area may have benches where adults can sit and supervise, and the play area may have anything from short slides to monkey bars to surfaces that kids can climb. Parents may enjoy an hour or two alone in the mall while their kids have a good time in the indoor playgrounds.
The same is true for fast food restaurants, which may have the play equipment in a large side room with glass walls. Such indoor playgrounds often feature plastic tubes and slides, though this equipment may have a lot of bacteria. Kids should either eat first and then play, or wash their hands after using the play area.
Meanwhile, a house of worship or a fitness center might also feature indoor playgrounds. Some churches or synagogues may double as daycare centers, and feature both indoor and outdoor play areas for the kids. The staff may help oversee these play sessions. And at a fitness center, the adults may use the gym’s main features and track while the kids enjoy themselves in a side room with exercise gear designed for them. A fitness center is meant for older patrons, but the indoor playgrounds there may involve sports balls and mini basketball hoops, and even a jungle gym.