Foot Problems Literally Stop People in Their Tracks

You long for the days when you will be able to walk around the park, enjoy watching your grandchildren ride their bikes, and spend more time going to all of the places that you have ever dreamed of. Your foot health has often been a challenge, but ever since you make the decision to deal with your bunion problems you have had to be patient. The doctors originally told you that the recovery time after bunion surgery would be a few weeks, but your healing process has been at the long end of the six to eight week recovery process. Not since you rolled your ankle in your first attempt at a half marathon back in high school have you been this anxious to get back out on the trails. Now you walk rather than run, but you are counting down the number of days to when you can increase your activity levels again.

The Treatment for Bunions Sometimes Requires Surgery

Whether you are a retired school teacher who is dealing with pain from bunions or you are looking at other kinds of foot problems, it is important to make sure that you are getting the help that you need from an experienced podiatrist. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many types of procedures that can help you eliminate foot pain and get back on track:

  • 88% of women wear shoes that are too small according to an American Foot and Ankle Society study. Of this same population, 55% had bunions.
  • According to the latest research, 25% to 33%of American adults have bunion deformities.
  • 19% of the population in America have an average of 1.4 foot problems every year.
  • 10% of Americans suffer from Plantar Fasciitis at some point during their lifetime.
  • 75% of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives.
  • 85% of people have legs of different lengths, and this discrepancy occasionally results in an uneven gait and a bunion on the foot of the longer leg.
  • Even though the recovery time after bunion surgery can be six to eight weeks, it is often a procedure that is worth it. If you want to make sure that you are as active as possible you may want to meet with an experienced podiatrist to see what options are available to you.

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