Have you noticed your hair thinning over the last couple of years? Do you notice an increase in the amount of hair that is washing down the drain? Many men and women will experience premature hair loss. There are many causes of hair loss and only a few treatment options. These are some of the most common treatments for preventing and treating early hair loss.
Increase your vitamin intake
Hair loss can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins. If your body is not getting the nutrients that it needs, it is not as healthy. You can explore this possibility by taking a multivitamin and seeing if it helps. You can also request a full blood panel from your physician during your yearly checkup. They will look at different nutrient counts and will evaluate them against your early hair loss. It is important to begin this process as soon as possible, as half of a man?s head of hair will be gone before it becomes cosmetically visible.
Consult with your primary physician
In addition to having a full blood panel taken, it can also be helpful to work with your primary physician on diagnosing the problem of early hair loss. There are a variety of other things the physician can do to explore the causes. If a distinguishing cause can be found, it can make treating it easier. Your physician might recommend a genetic test, to evaluate each of your medications for side effects, or they might refer you to a hair loss specialist. Hair loss specialists give you, even more, hair loss treatment options, including hair replacement hair transplants.
Try over the counter or prescription shampoos
There are many over the counter and prescription shampoos on the market that claims to thicken the hair. It is always worth a try, but it is best to request a prescription or recommendation from your physician or hair loss specialist. They are familiar with the different products on the market and are able to give you the best odds at a product that works. Keep in mind though, these products often require consistent daily usage, and if you stop using them, the results, if any, are also likely to disappear.
Consider FUSS or FUE hair transplants
The best results come from a hair transplant. While vitamins and over the counter products might improve the look initially, it usually does not permanently treat the problem. A FUE hair transplant, however, actually gives you a full head of hair. There are two hair transplant options available today, the FUSS hair transplant and the FUE hair transplant.
FUSS is more invasive and is often not recommended, except for extreme cases. FUE, or follicular unit extraction, also sometimes known as the follicular transfer (FT), is one of the primary methods of obtaining follicular units, naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs, for hair transplants. However, FUE can have natural groupings as much as 7 or 8 in a single graft. FUE hair transplants are the most natural looking type of a hair transplant.
Many men, and even women, experience premature hair loss. Androgenetic Alopecia, sometimes known as common male pattern baldness (MPB), accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men. Current options for MPB include over the counter supplements, physician diagnosis, and prescription shampoos. However, if you want a lasting treatment that is sure to work, you might want to go with either a FUSS or FUE hair transplant instead.