Bad skin can be a huge bummer. It can make many people feel self-conscious and embarrassed about how they look, especially in puberty. We’ve probably all tried acne pads, face washes, and more. For most of us, our acne tends to clear up around our early 20s, but for some, it can persist into adulthood, despite natural skin products, acne pads, and a regular skin care routine. It’s the most common skin disorder; between 40 and 50 million Americans have it. Additionally, around 85% of people have acne for at least a small period of time during their lives, most commonly appearing on their face, chest, or back.
However, as we get older, a new worry starts to emerge: sagging skin, liver spots, and all the signs of aging certainly manifest themselves on our skin. Acne pads can’t wipe that away! We’re obsessed with perfect skin, especially the older we get. According to statistics from 2011, the anti-aging industry was worth $80 billion and it was predicted to grow to almost $115 billion by 2015. With all the worry and products available, many people may be wondering what’s the most effective way to keep our skin looking bright and beautiful well into old age?
What Should I Expect?
As we age, our skin ages, which is perfectly natural. The elasticity of your skin will decrease on average by a half percent to 1% every year. Cosmetic surgery will keep your skin taut and firm for those who are particularly worried about their skin, but there are other measures you can take that make less of an impact.
For one thing, Victorian women maybe had the right idea! They wore gloves, hats, and carried parasols to keep their skin white and out of the sun’s way. Lots of exposure to sun will age your skin faster and create wrinkles. Even if it’s a cloudy day, UV radiation will still make it down to the earth’s surface. Sunscreen every day is a must. Don’t just apply it once in the morning — you should reapply every two hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating profusely, otherwise it’ll all wash off, leaving you unprotected.
Even the air pollution that we encounter every day can have a negative impact on your skin. Pigment and age spots can get worse by up to 20% and cause deeper lines or wrinkles in your skin. If your area suffers from traffic pollution or other heavy air pollution, you’ll want to take extra care to protect your skin.
What Can I Do To Help My Skin?
Making sure your skin stays relatively protected from UV rays can go a long way. You’ll notice that people who work outside a lot tend to have skin that’s a little tougher and more deeply lined that people who mostly work inside. Sunscreen is key, like mentioned before — don’t be afraid to really use it, even in the winter. Be gentle with your skin. Don’t scrub hard — that can remove key protective oils that your face or skin really needs. Exfoliate gently with a moisturizer that isn’t too harsh.
Eye creams that have antioxidants, retinol, or peptides can also give sagging skin a boost and work to prevent in the first place. It won’t entirely get rid of any sags, but it can help alleviate it. Peptides are good for stimulating collagen production and thickening the skin, which helps with sagging.
In terms of suffering from acne, eating right can also go a long way. Acne pads and other acne treatments can do a lot, but you really want to take your skin into your own hands. Cutting back on processed or oily foods can make a big difference with your skin! Also regularly washing your face to clean out makeup, sweat, or bacteria that’s lodged in your pores can help. If you’re very concerned about your acne, a dermatologist may be able to prescribe creams or treatments that will help clear your acne up.
Whether you suffer from bad acne or are worried about the effects of aging on your skin, it’s important that we all take action to protect our skin.