Children get sick, and sometimes there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Other times there is an underlying problem which causes the sickness which must be remedied before the sickness will go away. Ear nose and throat problems in children and adolescents are some problems which may require professional treatment in order to remedy the underlying problem. Once the underlying problem is correctly addressed, the initial issue should clear up.
Ear Infections
Ear infections are common ENT problems commonly seen in small children. Over 90% of children will have one ear infection before the age of two, and approximately five out of six children experience their first ear infection before the age of three. Recently less medical intervention has been recommended for ear infections and parents are instructed to wait and see since most of them clear on their own with symptoms disappearing the next day. When the fluid left from the ear infection does not go away, or if your child continues to get ear infections then a visit to the ENT may be in order. Left untreated ear chronic ear infections, sometimes caused by sinus infections, can lead to hearing loss and speech problems.
After a consultation, your doctor may decide that a doctor who treats the ear nose and throat problems in children and adolescents might be needed. These doctors are commonly referred to as and ENT doctor. These doctors will evaluate your child and determine the best course of action. Sometimes the best course of action includes having tubes put into your child’s ears. This is a minor surgery where a small incision is made to release the fluid, and place a tube into the ear. The entire process takes about 15 minutes to complete and these tubes typically come out on their own.
Tonsils and Adenoids
One of the most common problems affecting the tonsils and the adenoids are reoccurring infections. Another problem is the tonsils or adenoids becoming enlarged or swollen. When this happens breathing difficulties develop. Children who have enlarged tonsils are over three times more likely to experience sleep disorder symptoms. Abscesses around the tonsils, chronic tonsillitis, and strep throat are common problems associated with the tonsils. Snoring is another common problem in children with swollen tonsils. These symptoms are ear nose and throat problems in children and adolescents that should be addressed.
When you see and ENT specialist for tonsil and adenoid problems the specialist will first try to treat bacterial infections with antibiotics. If these infections are common or occur frequently, then the tonsils and adenoids may need to be removed. This is a simple operation which doesn’t take long, but the recovery period can last as long as 14 days. Proper steps will be discussed with the ENT for procedures before and after surgery.
Ear nose and throat problems in adolescents and children are common problems that are easily addressed most of the time. With proper care and treatment these issues can be completely taken care of with no lasting effects on the child. Work closely with your doctor to determine the proper course of treatment which satisfies both you as the parent and the doctor as the medical provider.