One of the most common illnesses facing young children is not the flu or even tonsillitis, but congenital abnormalities of the ear. These can manifest as chronic ear problems that produce an abundance of wax, cause headaches and even produce hearing loss in the long-term. Thankfully, congenital abnormalities of the ear have been extensively studied for decades and have a wide variety of solutions to cure what’s ailing your child. Let’s take a look at the most common warning signs of chronic ear infections and what you can do to prevent long-term side-effects.
What Are Congenital Abnormalities Of The Ear?
Your ears are one of the most sensitive areas of your body. They need to be taken care of regularly or they can start displaying debilitating problems that lead to long-term issues — this includes chronic ear infection, hearing loss, jaw pain, headaches, fevers, chills, breathing difficulties, sinus infections and more.
How Common Is Snoring?
A frequent sign your child may have ear problems is chronic snoring. Snoring is very common in children of all ages, with some studies estimating 12% of American children at any given time. While a little snoring here and there doesn’t necessarily point to a more severe issue, anywhere from 1% to 3% of children will exhibit Sleep Disordered Breathing. This can affect their ability to get consistent, restful sleep.
What Causes Snoring?
While many elements can cause snoring, tonsils have been proven to be one of the most frequent sources. Children with enlarged tonsils are four times as likely to start experiencing common symptoms of Sleep Disordered Breathing. According to recent government figures, anywhere from 300,000 to 400,000 tonsillectomies are performed every year in young children and adolescents.
What About Ear Infections?
Did you know more than 90% of children in the United States will have at least one ear infection by the time they’re two? Children three years-old or older will have likely had one ear infection, while 30% of children have had three or more episodes. Ear infections are characterized by their extreme discomfort, burning and itchiness in the ear — when left untreated they can lead to minor hearing loss, scarring, swelling, jaw pain and more.
Can Ear Infections Be Prevented?
Thankfully, ear infections can be reduced or prevented through medical means. Surgeries that involve repairing the ear drum to reduce or eliminate the onset of ear infections have a success rate of 85% at the least and 90% at the most. If left untreated an ear infection can cause hearing loss — studies have estimated one in every 1,000 newborns possessing significant hearing loss.
What Should I Do About Congenital Abnormalities Of The Ear?
If you want to prevent long-term damage caused by chronic ear problems, you need to keep a close eye on any potential warning signs in your child. Common signs their inner ear may be troubling them are discomfort, ringing, itching, burning, clogging and mild hearing loss. These can also contribute to sinus, throat or tonsil issues. Taking them to their regular doctor as soon as possible will eliminate the possibility for long-term issues and also prevent the resurgence of infection. Visit your pediatric doctor this winter to ensure your child has a safe and happy season!