Understanding a psychoeducational evaluation is no small task as it is a serious test conducted by psychology experts. Now, obviously, psychology is a study of mental processes and behaviors. This specific type of testing is used to analyze children and their mental processes in terms of educational performances. Therefore, this is a test used to identify any problems at a young age to help fix and correct over time.
A neuropsychologist usually conducts the psychoeducational evaluation to ensure the most clear-cut results. However, parents need to make sure this test is done at a young age. Understand that a recent study by our own government has revealed that one in 45 children between ages 3 and 17 have ASD, autism spectrum disorder.
Just about 20% of all American children have problems with attention and learning and may have ADHD or dyslexia. However, almost half of all American adults foolishly think that their children will just outgrow these problems on their own. Not only will this not happen but these kinds of issues can grow into emotional problems and severe stress. Here are all of the facts on neuropsychological testing and psychoeducational evaluation.
What Is A Psychoeducational Evaluation
Recent estimates show that over 40 million adults across the country deal with dyslexia. Dyslexia is basically a learning disorder in which someone confused letters when reading. The problem comes from an issue in which they cannot properly identify speech sounds and how they attach to sounds and words. This is often referred to as, decoding.
While 40 million adults have dyslexia, less than 2 million are aware of this issue. This means that nearly 2 million Americans are walking around in their every day lives unable to read simple sentences and phrases. Therefore, the value of a psychoeducational evaluation can help a young child grow up and rid themselves of their dyslexia.
Across the country, another big problem comes in the form of untreated ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Most parents will choose to not treat this which is wrong because, at a young age, children can outgrow this issue with help from a psychoeducational evaluation. Understand that between the ages of 4 and 17, nearly 6.4 million American children have ADHD!
Why Is A Psychoeducational Evaluation Important?
By the age of two, a psychoeducational evaluation can recognize some of the symptoms that come along with autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, this is a really important process for parents and their children across the country. These types of issues can be worked on with a professional to help curve the problems that come along with autism spectrum disorder. That way, a child can grow up and deal with their autism properly.
As previously mentioned, there are some emotional issues that can come along with a disorder, like Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. This is why a test is so important for children so that they can work on their problems and issues as they grow. This does not guarantee that children will grow out of their problems but at the very least, it is going to prevent them from having the worst issues growing up!
A recent survey has revealed that ADD adults are much more likely to deal with emotional problems, depression, and stress. Also, these problems will potentially cause them to miss out on work because they may deal with panic attacks and more. As a result, parents must make sure they help their children get the proper evaluation to understand their mental health and address any potential problems.
In Conclusion
Across the United States, many children will deal with all sorts of educational issues and learning problems. This is actually more common than it is rare for many parents and their children. As a result, it is important to work towards removing a stigma that comes from any type of learning disability. That way, children can work on their own problems and can potentially grow out of them as time goes on!