What Women Need to Know About Womens Health Issues

In vitro fertilization

For as important as womens health is, it’s a topic that rarely receives the attention it deserves considering its significance. There are many reasons why this is, from fear based religious beliefs, to patriarchal societal beliefs on women’s reproductive rights, to personal beliefs, and of course the sheer awkwardness of talking about what goes on “down there” — but the truth is, the things that go on “down there” can be telling signs about what is going on with the rest of a woman’s body and health. In fact for both men and women, reproductive and sexual health are congruous with overall health and well being.

Common concerns and medical ailments in womens health

A woman’s reproductive system is much more complicated and intricate than a man’s, especially given the fact that a woman has far more hardware to contend with. As such, there are plenty of health concerns women face in terms of their reproductive and sexual health, including sexually transmitted disease, causes of infertility in women, infertility solutions, menopause solutions, what causes pelvic pain, menstrual disorders, uterine fibroids, birth control, low sex drive, hormonal imbalances include low t, preventative breast and uterine cancer awareness and much, much more.

In terms of awareness, treatment options, and an understanding of womens health issues, progress has been made in leaps and bounds over the past few decades, especially within the last few years. Social media has been a driving force in terms women coming together to openly discuss these issues and raise awareness about them. In addition, advances in medical technology have allowed womens health professionals to develop new, more effective, and less invasive medical procedures to treat, cure, and discover women’s health issues.

What women can do

Since ancient times, women have been known as highly intuitive and powerful healers. Women after know or sense that something may be “off” within their body, only for a medical professional, their partner, or their own mind to write it off as imaginary or psychosomatic. First and foremost, women should always listen to the voice of their own bodies. When it comes to reproductive and sexual health, turn the volume of your own internal voice up loud and clear! Always on err on the side of caution, as many issues in women’s health can be cured with early detection. Be diligent about your own personal health and maintaining it.

Measures women can take to maintain their health

Along with listening to their own bodies, there are plenty of steps women can take in order to maintain or improve their personal reproductive and sexual health. Taking these small steps can make a big difference in terms of avoiding, preventing, and treating common womens health issues.

Pay attention to diet

When many women think of the term diet, they assume it has to do with counting calories and eating less in order to lose weight. That’s only part of the battle and of little importance in reality. Eating a diet rich in fiber, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, high quality protein, and little to no refined or processed foods goes a long way in terms of improving and maintain a woman’s sexual and reproductive health.

A diet rich in sugars, yeasts, and carbohydrates can create an imbalance of healthy bacteria and yeast in the vagina and may lead to chronic infection. Eat a clean diet free of harsh chemical preservatives, by products, unhealthy fats, and refined sugars also means shorter, less painful, and more predictable menstrual cycles, hormonal balance, lower chances of chronic illness, and better hair, skin, and nails!

Be mindful of feminine care products

Cotton tampons and pads are laden with harsh chemical pesticides from the cotton used to create the product. These toxic chemical compounds have been linked to cancer among other serious health conditions. Women should only use organic cotton feminine care products in order to prevent exposure to such dangerous chemicals, especially in such a sensitive area where chemicals are directly absorbed into the blood stream.

Wash up the right way

Harsh soaps should be used in such delicate areas! This can create a pH imbalance that leads to irritation and infection. Women should always choose mild, organic washes to clean sensitive areas.

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