Testosterone is a hormone found in all humans. Men have significantly higher levels of testosterone than women, but it is found in all people. The production of testosterone increases significantly at puberty and remains high until after the age of thirty when it starts to decrease. Generally speaking, men lose 1% of their testosterone production each year after the age of 30, and it is a normal part of aging.

Despite the fact it is normal, low testosterone can cause a number of unwanted side effects for men. These effects include hair loss, a reduction in bone density, red blood cell production, muscle mass, sperm production, and their overall sex drive.

There are many signs that men can look out for that may indicate a reduction in testosterone. When these signs are noticed, it is best to consult a physician. One of the biggest signs is the reduction in sexual desire and function. This may include infertility, a lower sex drive, and fewer erections. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often the result of low testosterone production, and is treatable through hormone replacement therapy commonly offered through a low testosterone clinic.

Men should also watch for the physical symptoms, which can include increased body fat as their body is less equipped to burn calories, a decrease in muscle mass even when exercising, swelling of the breast tissue, decreases in body hair, and increased fatigue. Fatigue is a common symptom in people that are overworked or stressed, but it shouldn’t be ignored as it can also be the result of low testosterone. Only a doctor can say for sure through testing.

Low testosterone can also cause sleep problems including insomnia or disruptions to normal sleep patterns. It has also been linked to an increase in sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a difficult one because there is a cyclical impact. Low testosterone can cause it, but sleep apnea can also result in lower testosterone.

Finally, low testosterone levels can cause emotional changes including depression and problems with memory, concentration, motivation, and self-confidence. Overall, the fatigue and lack of a sex drive can lead to overall irritability. Unfortunately, many of these symptoms can be attributed to other things, which leads many men to not consulting their doctor at all or waiting a long period of time before consulting a doctor.

When a doctor is consulted, they may refer the patient to a low testosterone clinic, which specializes in these problems and helping the patient find a balance with hormone replacement drugs. Going to a low testosterone clinic means working with medical staff that have extensive experience in this area and will provide the most efficient help.

While many patients may feel more comfortable working with their primary physician, finding the right balance may take considerable time due to the fact the primary physician is not specializing in this area.

Given the physical and emotional side effects, low testosterone can negatively impact personal relationships, marriages, and even relationships with children as energy levels are lower and the patient is more prone to irritability. The fatigue combined with the disrupted sleep can make the patient dangerously tired at times and also negatively impact their emotional state.

A woman may not want to approach the topic with their husband either out of a lack of understanding of what the underlying problem may be or out of concern that he will be offended by the suggestion. Given the emotional impact low testosterone can have, a man may not take it well. That is why it is important to be well educated on the topic.

As a man over the age of 30, it is important to understand what normal aging means and what can be done to address the unwanted side effects of aging, which include a reduced production of testosterone. Visiting a low testosterone clinic can provide the information and assurance needed to understand the problem and how it can be addressed medically.

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