Vascular disease affects the body’s circulatory system, which is comprised of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Diseases of these blood vessels affect circulation, which affects organs and can lead to complications.
The venous disease occurs when valves are damaged, and this obstructs normal circulation. Blood pools in certain areas and can flow backward when the muscles are relaxed. This then creates a high-pressure build-up in that vein.
Venous diseases include deep vein thrombosis, blood clots, varicose veins, and phlebitis.
Venous disease treatment depends on the type of the disease. There are surgical and non-surgical options,
depending on the type of the disease.
Exercise is good for people who suffer from venous disease and venous insufficiency. Venous disease treatment also advises that if the patient is overweight, losing weight is recommended in addition to exercising.
People who suffer from varicose veins should do leg exercises, such as walking, running, and cycling. This will alleviate pain and inflammation.
Exercising can also prevent venous disease. Lack of movement can cause blood to build up in the veins of the legs and venous disease can occur.
Exercising is encouraged as it is beneficial to your overall health.