Let’s face it – you’re sick of having to spend your time in a waiting room for hours every time you want to see your doctor. You go to the medical clinic and you wait and wait; meanwhile, the pain continues and you wonder how long you’ll be able to handle it until you end up in the emergency room. Because some things can’t wait, medical help is on your side at a 24 hour urgent care center.
The Many Reasons We Seek Urgent Care
There are many reasons why people seek the help of urgent care every day from back pain, ankle sprains and spinal problems to colds and the flu. Many care physicians have their hands tied from working all week with full schedules and packed waiting rooms where you could have hours before you are called back. Because of this, it is important to consider urgent care where you are put on top priority from the moment you come in and can see a doctor within minutes on many occasions. With about 20,000 physicians practicing urgent care medicine today and 85% of urgent care staying open every day of the week, the care you need is right around the corner.
One of the most common conditions that individuals seek urgent care for is back pain that won’t let up. In fact, up to 69% of all Americans say that their back pain is so bad that it affects everything that they do in their everyday lives. Four out of 10 people will try to exercise to get pain relief from their back pain, as many people who experience these sensations spend time working in offices and doing physical labor that contributes to this position. 40% of people who suffer never think to see a physical therapist, which could help them get the relief they deserve. Visiting a clinic that specializes in these types of aches and pains can help somebody get back into a normal lifestyle tremendously.
With three million patients visiting clinics each week, it is no wonder that they are becoming the hotspot for all aches and pains, illnesses, and more when you can’t see a regular doctor. If it doesn’t warrant a hospital trip but the doctor’s office is too full, urgent care might be your best choice.